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Seamless Summer Option (SSO)

​​What is the Seamless Summer Option?

SSO Fact Sheet​

The Seamless Summer Option allows districts to provide meals to students during the summer and other vacation periods. It provides free summer meals to children under 18 and students over 18 with a state-defined mental or physical disability. Contact your district School Nutrition Director for details.

​SSO Customizable ​Posters

Summer Meals Flyer for Multiple Sites - English

Summer Meals Flyer for Multiple Sites 8.5 x 14 - English

Summer Meals Flyer for Multiple Sites - Spanish

Summer Meals Flyer for Single Site - English

Summer Meals Flyer for Single Site - Spanish

Summer Meals Flyer for Non-Congregate Sites

Food Safety Resources​

How to find a program?

Parents/guardians, find out where your child/children can get healthy, daily meals this summer. There are multiple programs that offer summer meals at no cost. Check all these sources to see if there is a meal distribution site in your area. Those who are looking for summer meal sites can easily find locations through their cell phone or online. Options include:

Opción perfecta de verano

Padres / tutores, descubran dónde su hijo / hijos pueden obtener comidas saludables y diarias este verano.Hay múltiples programas que ofrecen comidas de verano gratis. Verifique todas estas fuentes para ver si hay un sitio de distribución de comidas en su área: