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Food-Based Learning

Take this quick video tour to learn how to use Food-based Learning resources in your district.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Fueling Georgia’s Future with Food-Based Learning

Food is more than just a basic need as it can also serve as a powerful education tool. Discussions surrounding food origin and cultural connections, food preparation, food safety, nutritional value of food, and manners and social graces related to food all directly align to learning standards across all academic areas. 

Food-Based Learning resources identify easy access points for incorporating nutrition into cross-curricular areas, facilitating the collaboration between school nutrition professionals and educators. Classroom materials that align with menu promotions and meet education standards and are an excellent way to highlight the fact that School Nutrition Meals are part of the academic day. Students learn in both passive and active learning opportunities all while also enjoying school meals. Food-based learning demonstrates food and nutrition education opportunities that exist in the school community. Food-based learning provides coordinated support for student achievement. ​


For School Nutrition Professionals

  • Implement suggested food-based learning promotions in your cafeteria.
  • Connect with teachers in your building. Share the food-based learning educational resources with them.

For Educators

  • Use food-based learning resources as part of your existing lessons.
  • Connect with school nutrition professionals in your school to see how they can support the lessons with cafeteria experiences. 

For Administrators

  • Share food-based learning resources with your teachers, school nutrition professionals,
    and parents.
  • Consider food and nutrition as part of your problem and project-based learning.

For Parents

  • If you are involved with school celebrations, connect with school nutrition professionals.
  • Use food-based learning experiences at home.