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Technology Requirements for Online Courses

​​​​​​​​​​Canvas is a learning management system for online training offered by the Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition Division. Canvas by Instructure is used to deliver courses online to School Nutrition employees throughout the state of Georgia.​

​Technical Requirements

Having a correctly configured computer will help ensure your success in your course.
Check the information below to be sure that your computer meets all the necessary technical requirements for hardware and software.
Computer Hardware & Peripherals
  • Windows PC or Apple Macintosh, use a computer
    5 years old or newer when possible
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 2GHz processor 
  • Speakers or ability to use headphones for audio playback
  • A printer is recommended
Supported Operating Systems

  •          Windows 8.1 and newer
  •         Mac OSX 10.6 and newer
  •         Linux – ChromeOS
  •         Chromebook – ​ChromeOS

Mobile Operating System Native App Support (Canvas)
Android apps require version 8.0 or later and iOS apps require version 15 or later. All Android and iOS both support the two most recent versions of their respective operating systems.

Internet Speed and Access
  • Along with compatibility and web standards, Canvas has been carefully crafted to accommodate low bandwidth environments.
  • Minimum of 512kbps, the faster and more reliable your internet connection speed, the better your experience will be.
  • A hardwire cable or DWL connection is recommended, particularly for submitting assignments and quizzes.
Supported Web Browsers

​Several major web browsers are supported; however, we cannot guarantee that each browser will perform as expected. We recommend that you access using either of the browsers listed below:

  • Chrome 122 | 123
  • Firefox 123 | 124 (Extended Releases are not supported*)
  • ​Edge 121 | 122
  • Safari 16 | 17 (Macintosh only)

Learn more about which browsers Canvas does support by visiting​

Screen Readers for Canvas
  • Voiceover (latest version for Safari/Chrome on Macintosh and iOS mobile)
  • JAWS (latest version for Chrome/Firefox on Windows)
  • NVDA (latest version for Chrome/Firefox on Windows)
  • Talkback​ (latest version for Android mobile)
Need Help?
If you need assistance, please contact the Georgia School Nutrition Division at 
WebTr​ainHelp​.​​ Our offices are open Monday through Friday, and you may expect a response from a team member within 24 hours and up to 48 hours (about 2 days) on weekends.

Additional tutorials for Canvas can be found at