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Dayle Hayes skillful and brilliant in second installment of 2020 Directors’ Conference

​​The second stop in our 2020 Directors’ Conference series was punctuated by timely insights and focused strategies that equipped participants to tell the amazing story of School Nutrition in Georgia. Guided by Dayles Hayes, award winning author, School Nutrition Consultant and a powerhouse behind @Tips for School Meals that Rock, 220 Georgia School Nutrition Directors spent this afternoon actively engaged during ‘DC2020 Virtual: Be Excellent’ in a presentation titled ‘Seizing the Moment: Fueling Excellence on the Frontlines’.

Dayle started by highlighting the excellence with which School Nutrition professionals had risen to the challenge of feeding students during the COVID-19 pandemic and with special commendations for the proud group of Georgia School Nutrition Directors and staff who were leading the charge across our local Districts. Directors were then guided through an audit of their school nutrition brands and challenged to introspect on how well they were serving their students. Real-time results in the session’s presentation polls supported Dayle’s message on the need to build strong brands by tapping school nutrition stakeholders including students, school employees, community leaders, farmers, and a host of others. 
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Leaving the group with practical examples of how to celebrate their successes and fast-track School Nutrition goals, today’s presentation also covered in-depth examples of new and traditional media tools to aid in brand-building. Another excellent session, thanks to the witty, skillful, and brilliant Dayle Hayes! 

The next session in our 2020 Directors’ Conference series is set for October 21 at 1:00pm with Debra Kibbe on School Nutrition Leadership Skills: Assess, Analyze, and Apply.  See you online!